The lecture is addressed to Bachelor and Master students of physics and covers the generation of ultra short and high intensity laser pulses in so called Chirped-Pulse-Amplification (Strickland and Mourou, Nobel Prize 2018) laser systems. The mathematical description of ultra short laser pulses is introduced with relevant methods, like Fourier transformation, or Gauss- and Airy-function. After a description of non-linear propagation phenomena the CPA-principle is introduced and the required dispersion management is described by different exemplary dispersive setups. Subsequently an introduction to laser amplification follows in consideration of the broad bandwidths of the laser pulses and the connected problems. Afterwards different real-world system setups are presented. In the end typical methods and setups for the analysis of ultra short and high intensity pulses are described.
- Dozent: Andreas Döpp
- Dozent: Stefan Karsch
- Учитель: Lukas Fürst
- Учитель: Michael Heynck
- Учитель: Emil Pupeza
- Учитель: Enrico Ridente
- Учитель: Matthew Weidman
- Учитель: Julian Freigang
- Учитель: Dieter Lüst
- Учитель: Martín Enriquez Rojo
- Учитель: Till Heckelbacher
- Учитель: Ivo Sachs
- Учитель: Thomas Vogel
- Учитель: Mike Dunne
- Учитель: Hartmut Zohm
The discovery of the first planet orbiting another sun-like star has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics 2019. Despite the thousands of exoplanets know today, the processes involved in building planets out of interstellar matter remain mysterious. Recent years have also brought tremendous progress in observational techniques that continuously revolutionize our understanding of the accretion disks within which planets are being built as we watch. This lecture will cover the various aspects and stages of building planets:
Topics include:
- Overview: Disks & Exoplanets, Exoplanet Detection Methods
- Information from our Solar System
- Disk Formation and Disk Structure
- Disk Evolution - Viscous Theory, Disk Winds, and Dissipation
- Dust in Protoplanetary Disks
- Planetesimal Formation
- Terrestrial Planet Formation
- Formation of Giant Planets
- Planet Migration
- Evolution of Planetary Systems
- Observations of Protoplanetary Disks
- Учитель: Fabian Binkert
- Учитель: Tilman Birnstiel
- Учитель: Matthias Carosi
- Учитель: Davide De Biasio
- Учитель: Robert Helling
The course gives an introduction into the field of ultracold quantum gases. The lectures are combined with a weekly journal club, where we discuss original publications related to the lecture. Additional problem sets supplement the course.
There is a course website with additional information.
Due to the Covid-19 situation, the lecture as well as the tutorials will unfortunately be held online, as far as we can see for the entire semester.
Please register to the course first via the LSF system (direkt link), and you will receive instructions on how to join the Moodle by mail shortly. If you have not yet received the immatrikulation or otherwise can not get access to LSF, please send an e-mail.
- Учитель: Petar Bojovic
- Учитель: Cesar Cabrera
- Учитель: Simon Fölling
Einführung in die Konzepte und experimentelle Methoden der Festkörperphysik: Kristallstrukturen, Gitterschwingungen, physikalische Eigenschaften kristalliner Festkörper, Isolatoren, Halbleiter, Metalle.
Gliederung der Vorlesung
Einführung in das Gebiet der Festkörperphysik
Bindungsverhältnisse im Festkörper
Struktur von kristallinen Festkörpern
Beugung am Kristall: Das reziproke Gitter
Gitterschwingungen und Phononen
Elektronen in Festkörpern
Elektronische Bandstruktur
Nanostrukturen und Oberflächen/Grenzflächen
- Dozent: Alexander Högele
- Учитель: Ludwig Hüttenhofer
- Учитель: Stefan Maier
The surface is the link between a body - a bubble, a piece of metal, a droplet - and the environment. As such, the surface is the place where many physical and chemical phenomena take place. These processes can be highly dependent on the interface under study: solid-liquid, liquid-gas, gas-solid, etc. One remarkable case is the dispersion of a solid in a liquid media, known as colloids. This particular example has impacted strongly in the development of areas such as nanoscience and nanotechnology.
This course provides a basic overview of surfaces, interfaces and colloidal systems. As such, it will merge physics concepts that strongly impact other disciplines such as chemistry, biology and materials science, among others. In this course we will cover the basic concepts, theories, experimental techniques and applications needed to understand different types of interfaces, surfaces and colloidal materials.
- Учитель: Emiliano Cortés
- Учитель: Christoph Gruber
- Учитель: Matias Herran
- Учитель: Seunghoon Lee
- Учитель: Nan Lin
- Учитель: Rui Lin
- Учитель: Fedja Wendisch
Einführung in die Plasmaphysik
Vorlesung + Übung (ca. 14-tägig)
- Dozent: Thomas Pütterich
- Dozent: Jörg Stober
- Учитель: Anamaria Hell
- Учитель: Tobias Russ
- Учитель: Marco Catillo
- Учитель: Arturo De Giorgi
- Учитель: Marina Krstic Marinkovic
- Basics in CFT (conformal group, Virasoro algebra, operator algebras, representation theory, ...)
- Symmetric in CFT (Kac-Moody algebras, Sugawara construction, representations, W-algebras ... )
- CFT on the torus (modular group, partition functions, Verlinde formula,...)
- Supersymmetric CFTs (super Virasoro algebra, N=2 SCFT, Gepner construction,...)
- Boundary CFT (CFT with boundaries, boundary states, orientifolds, type I string,...)
- Учитель: Ralph Blumenhagen
- Учитель: Max Brinkmann
- Учитель: Severin Angerpointner
- Учитель: Tom Burkart
- Учитель: Leonardo Demarchi
- Учитель: Erwin Frey
- Учитель: Andriy Goychuk
- Учитель: Grzegorz Gradziuk
- Учитель: Timo Krüger
- Учитель: Ching Leung
- Учитель: David Muramatsu
- Учитель: Nina Ploch
- Учитель: Moritz Striebel
- Учитель: Richard Swiderski
- Учитель: Henrik Weyer