- Profesor: Caroline Friedel
- Profesor: Michael Kluge
- Profesor: Elena Weiß
Computer Games and Games related formats are an essential branch of the
media industry with sales exceeding those of the music or the movie
industry. In many games, it is necessary to build up a dynamic
environment with autonomously acting entities. This comprises any types
of mobile objects, non-player characters, computer opponents or the
dynamics of the environment itself. To model these elements, techniques
from the area of Artificial Intelligence allow for modelling adaptive
environments with interesting dynamics. From the point of view of AI
Research, games currently provide multiple environments which allow to
develop breakthrough technology in Artificial Intelligence and Deep
Learning. Projects like OpenAIGym, AlphaGo, OpenAI5 or Alpha-Star earned
a lot of attention in the AI research community as well as in the broad
public. The reason for the importance of games for developing
autonomous systems is that games provide environments usually allowing
fast throughputs and provide clearly defined tasks for a learning agent
to accomplish. The lecture provides an overview of techniques for
building up environment engines and making these suitable for
largescale, high-throughput games and simulations. Furthermore, we will
discuss the foundations of modelling agent behaviour and how to evaluate
it in deterministic and non-deterministic settings. Based on this
formalisms, we will discuss how to analyse and predict agent or player
behaviour. Finally, we will introduce various techniques for optimizing
agent behaviour such as sequential planning and reinforcement learning.
- Profesor: Michael Fromm
- Profesor: Sandra Gilhuber
- Profesor: Matthias Schubert
- Profesor: Sophia Grundner-Culemann
- Profesor: Tobias Guggemos
- Profesor: Maximilian Höb
- Profesor: Dieter Kranzlmüller
- Profesor: Anna Beer
- Profesor: Christian Frey
- Profesor: Thomas Seidl
- Profesor: Rajat Koner
- Profesor: Andreas Lohrer
- Profesor: Sebastian Schmoll
- Profesor: Volker Tresp