How can we communicate science effectively in a time of planetary crisis? How does misinformation shape the public discourse on topics ranging from climate change and pandemics to the biodiversity crash? What modes of communication are appropriate for different public and stakeholders of science? What role does emotion place in science communication? How should we communicate about wicked problems and complex systems? This new seminar will provide an introduction into key current concepts and literature in science communication studies, and invite students from biology and communication to work together on a developing and realizing a collaborative final project.
- Trainer/in: Bernhard Goodwin
- Trainer/in: Michael Gorman
- Trainer/in: Samara Kolditz
Wie sieht der Berufsalltag von PR-Profis aus? Kommunikationsmanager/innen in ganz verschiedenen Rollen bei Unternehmen und Agenturen stellen euch in Gastbeiträgen ihre Arbeit vor, im Medienunternehmen, in der Pharmaindustrie oder PR-Agentur. Ihr lernt etwas über PR-Konzepte, Kreativitätstechniken, Medienarbeit und Krisenkommunikation.

- Trainer/in: Henrike Zock