- Lecturer: Hans-Bernd Brosius
- Lecturer: Julian Unkel
Wissenssammlung zu Onlineprüfungen (aka as Online-Hausarbeiten) im Sommersemester 2020
- Trainer/in: Romy Fröhlich
- Trainer/in: Thomas Hanitzsch
- Trainer/in: Jörg Haßler
- Trainer/in: Veronika Karnowski
- Trainer/in: Benjamin Krämer
- Trainer/in: Carsten Reinemann
- Trainer/in: Diana Rieger
- Trainer/in: Claudia Riesmeyer-Lorenz
Ziel des Seminars ist die gemeinsame Konzeptualisierung, Durchführung und Auswertung einer quantitativen Inhaltsanalyse medialer Darstellungen von Suizid, psychischen Erkrankungen und ggf. anderen Gesundheits- und Krankheitsbildern.
Suiziddarstellungen in den Medien kann einerseits eine positive Wirkung im Sinne von Suizidprävention haben. Andererseits können negative Suiziddarstellungen auch schädliche Wirkungen haben und sogar Nachahmungssuizide hervorrufen. In diesem Seminar werden wir zunächst den Themenkomplex „Medien & Suizide“ theoretisch aufarbeiten und Aspekte von gelungener, aber auch suboptimaler oder gar gefährlicher medialer Darstellung von Suiziden erörtern. Im empirischen Teil des Seminars soll ein Codebuch für eine quantitative Inhaltsanalyse von Medienberichten über Suizide und psychische Erkrankungen entwickelt und angewandt werden. Dadurch soll eine Bestandsaufnahme der Darstellung von Suiziden (bzw. psychischen Erkrankungen oder ggf. weiteren, mit Stigmata behafteten Krankheitsbildern) in der deutschen Medienlandschaft erfolgen.
Bitte beachten Sie: In diesem Seminar behandeln wir sensible Themen wie Suizid, Suizidalität, selbstverletzendes Verhalten und psychische Erkrankungen.
This course will offer a critical introduction to digital media activism expanding across the world. There is today widespread enthusiasm about the potential of digital media to empower citizens and enable democratic participation. But recent events of manipulation and control by governments and market have also shown the limits of digital media activism. This course will offer students the opportunity to analyze the highly contested terrain of digital activism, and recognize that digital activism is not a uniform movement but a plurality of tactics and agendas. Rather than celebrating digital technologies as tools for activism applicable anywhere and anytime, the course will challenge the students to interrogate the various conditions that shape contention and claims to social justice. The students will also become familiar with higher order social theories as they illuminate the ways digital media intersect with political cultures. The course will combine theoretical readings with analysis of signature episodes such as the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street but also less known Internet activism in Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, China, Indonesia and other countries.
The course will have a combination of lectures, discussions, classroom activities and film watching, to simulate, in some measure, the promise and limits of digital activism. At the end of the course, students will apply theoretical insights to develop a social media campaign for social advocacy.
· Class Participation and Questions: 15%
· Final presentation on social media campaign: 40%
· Final Paper with theoretical discussion on social media campaign: 45% (3000 words)
- Trainer/in: Max Kramer
- Trainer/in: Sahana Udupa
Over the past 20 years, social media have transformed the communication landscape by disrupting traditional media industries and creating new opportunities for group action. Despite many changes taking place on the surface with new platforms and apps showing up daily, the success of these new social tools can be interpreted through a set of enduring innovations and insights. This course will introduce students to core operative concepts influencing the social impact of digital communications. During the course, students will work together in small groups to develop and apply a critical perspective to a social media platform idea using the concepts introduced in the course. This course will be delivered by an experienced digital media researcher, using a media ecology perspective informed by Canadian media theorist Marshall McLuhan.
Dr. Gordon A. Gow, Associate Professor, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
- Trainer/in: Miriam Schnick
In this research seminar, taught and assessed in English, we will study so-called ‘robo-news’ or ‘automated journalism’, where news content, including videos, are produced by algorithms. We will learn about the technology (including getting hands-on with it ourselves) and consider the wider implications for media, journalism, and society. The seminar’s research project will be focused around audiences’ and producers’ perceptions of automated journalism (and on the type of content produced using the technology). While there is some published research on consumers’ and journalists’ perceptions, there is still much to discover. We will consider what criteria should be used to assess journalism; how we can find, or create, genuinely comparable examples of human- and computer-made news; and what factors can influence audience perceptions. We will set-up online experiments and analyse and write-up the results. Instruction will also be given on academic writing in English.
- Trainer/in: Neil Thurman