Mandatory Module: Main Topic Biochemistry I

Mandatory Module: Main Topic Biochemistry I

Mandatory Module: Main Topic Biochemistry I

Mandatory Module: Fundamentals in Data Analysis

Mandatory Module: Main Topic Biochemistry II

Elective Module: Molecular and Cellular Genetics

Elective Module: Molecular and Cellular Genetics

Elective Module: Molecular and Cellular Genetics for our Master of Biochemistry Programme.

If you are logged in to moodle, you can see below whether enrollment is currently possible or when it will start. Registration will then be open for a period of four weeks after the starting date.

Please sign up via the self-enrollment in this moodle-course only if you intend to participate. This serves as your registration. Registration period June 15th - July 15th.

Elective Module: Structural Biology

Elective Module: Structural Biology

Elective Module: Structural Biology

Elective Module: Innate Immunity & Inflammation

Elective Module: Innate Immunity & Inflammation

Elective Module: Innate Immunity & Inflammation

Optional course (attendance highly recommended)