
The course „Risk Management for Financial Institutions" provides students with an overview about the German and international banking sector, the corresponding institutional design as well as fundamental theoretical approaches and related empirical evidence. Core questions are: What is special about banks? Why and how should banks be regulated? How can banks measure and manage (credit) risk?

Lecture (Prof. Florysiak):

  1. 06.11.2020, 14:00-20:00, via Zoom
  2. 20.11.2020, 12:00-18:00, via Zoom
  3. 07.12.2020, 08:00-14:00, via Zoom
  4. 15.12.2020, 12:00-16:00, via Zoom
Tutorial (Valentin Luz):

  1. 13.11.2020, 14:00-20:00, via Zoom
  2. 27.11.2020, 14:00-20:00, via Zoom
  3. 17.12.2020, 08:00-14:00, via Zoom
  4. 07.01.2021, 08:00-14:00, via Zoom


Students will take a 120-minutes written examination on January 28, 2021, 11:00 - 13:00, online

Retake exam:

Students will take a 120-minutes written retake examination on Jaly 9, 2021, 10:00 - 12:00, online

Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)