Enrolment options

This course is closely related to the Generalized Regression Models (Generalisierte Regressions/GRM) course, also taught by Prof. Dr. Kuechenhoff. This course is, however, taught in English and designed for students currently attaining their master’s degree in statistics.

We will take a closer look at generalized models, mixed models, Bayesian approaches, generalized additive models, survival analysis and error models. This is not an exhaustive list, but should provide you with a general idea of the contents of the course.

If you have questions regarding the course, contact:

Kuechenhoff, Helmut <kuechenhoff@stat.uni-muenchen.de>

Rave, Martje <martje.rave@stat.uni-muenchen.de>

Time Type of lesson
Friday 12:00-14:00
Lecture Prof. Dr. Helmut Kuechenhoff
 Both lectures should be attended (weekly rhythm)
Monday 08:00-10:00
Lecture Prof. Dr. Helmut Kuechenhoff 
Friday 14:00-16:00
Workshop Wiegrebe One work shop per week should be attended (weekly rhythm)
Workshop Rave 
Thursday 08:00-10:00
Tutorial Hannah Kuempel
 All tutorials should be attended (weekly rhythm)

Enrolment key: Stat_Model_2022

Self enrolment (Student)