Enrolment options

Comprehensive introduction (block course) on how to conduct online surveys using the software SoSci Survey. This courses is for BA, MA and PhD students.

Our focus is on uses of online surveys in general, and more specifically on creating an online questionnaire with the software SoSci Survey. We will also go through enhanced applications, such as filter questions, multimedia stimuli, online experiments (mostly on Tuesday). And of course, we will address practical issues in everyday research, depending on the participants' interests. Participants should have basic knowledge about questionnaire methodology (what is a hypothesis, how do I measure it with questions and items?).

This is a block course (four days, 06.04.2021–09.04.2021), the course language is English.

For everybody who can/could not attend the course in the summer term: You can still watch all videos and access the training materials. This course is open, just use the enrolment key "sosci".

Self enrolment (Student)
Guest access